tell me! Is Naoko teacher [Middle East] is the Islamic ...

tell me! Is Naoko teacher [Middle East] is the Islamic ...

tell me! Is Naoko teacher [Middle East] is the Islamic ... [Middle East] is Is Islamic cultural sphere? [That's right! ] And I want to say is the place, but it is a difficult question that can not be pretty good. [Middle East has been an important part of the Islamic cultural sphere] is likely to say become. Because? The first place [culture] is the challenge. Is this question [Japanese Buddhist cultural sphere? When I replaced with], I think it is clear [difficult] reason. Japan but certainly in Buddhist cultures, to there is also the influence of Confucian culture, there? ? It is also Japan-specific culture of samurai culture if say the culture .... When replacing the question, what is believed to Japanese culture, or different by age, you can see that or be a fusion of various cultures. So, of course of Islamic culture, the same thing is the basic premise.

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